Dry Herb

A teapot and a teacup, with steam coming out of both.

How to Brew AVB Tea

You can steep AVB like any other dried herb or flower. That said, there are a few things you'll want to do to make sure you get the most effects...

How to Brew AVB Tea

You can steep AVB like any other dried herb or flower. That said, there are a few things you'll want to do to make sure you get the most effects...

Cannabis leaves and capsules on a blue background.

How to Make AVB Capsules

Already vaped bud (AVB) can be used in a ton of fun ways. Here's how to make your own AVB capsules!

How to Make AVB Capsules

Already vaped bud (AVB) can be used in a ton of fun ways. Here's how to make your own AVB capsules!

How to Vaporize Cannabis with CBD

How to Vaporize Cannabis with CBD

How do you vaporize cannabis that only has CBD, and doesn't get you high? Let's talk vaping CBD!

How to Vaporize Cannabis with CBD

How do you vaporize cannabis that only has CBD, and doesn't get you high? Let's talk vaping CBD!

Cannabis plant with terpenes

What Are Terpenes and What Effects Do They Have?

What are terpenes and what do they do? How do you vape them? Let's talk terpenes!

What Are Terpenes and What Effects Do They Have?

What are terpenes and what do they do? How do you vape them? Let's talk terpenes!

A Furna vaporizer with two ovens, and loading accessories.

How Tightly Should I Pack My Dry Herb Vaporizer?

New to vaporizers? Trying to figure out how to pack your vape for the best experience? Check out our guide to become a packing pro!

How Tightly Should I Pack My Dry Herb Vaporizer?

New to vaporizers? Trying to figure out how to pack your vape for the best experience? Check out our guide to become a packing pro!

AVB brownies on a baking tray.

The Best Ways to Use AVB (Already Vaped Bud)

AVB or ABV bud is like a gift from your vaporizer. Every bit of THC that didn't vaporize is just waiting for you to unlock its potential. Here's how.

The Best Ways to Use AVB (Already Vaped Bud)

AVB or ABV bud is like a gift from your vaporizer. Every bit of THC that didn't vaporize is just waiting for you to unlock its potential. Here's how.